Author: AdD@f2020_uN_01

Wyciskarka do cytrusów niebiański

Wyciskarka do cytrusów pomarańczowa

Wyciskarka do cytrusów malinowa

Szklana Karafka Dafi Stalowa
What is the purpose of the filtering pot
The filtering pot is used for cleaning tap water that has been subjected to an initial treatment process by the water supply company. Thanks to the use of a filtering pot, tap water becomes ideal for drinking and cooking, because it gains better quality. In addition, the filter prevents the formation of limescale in the kettle.
How should I filter my water?
Each time you insert a new filter, wash the individual parts with warm water and a mild detergent. Then assemble them back into a single piece. If you are the owner of the pot with LED sensor: hold down the button until it flashes blue, then it will count down one month. Yellow light indicates a message: be ready for the filter replacement. After 28 days the LED sensor will turn red, indicating that you should change the filter to a new one.
Place the replacement filter in the tap water reservoir in the pot, by pressing it gently at the end.
Attach the cover by first inserting it at the front funnel part, then press it at the handle end.
Before using each replaceable filter for the first time, filter the tap water twice with it (in this way you will deaerate the filter and remove any escaping active carbon micro-particles). You can use this water, for example, to water the flowers.
At the end, set the filter replacement indicator. Use the indicator on the pot cover. If you have a manual indicator: set the slide bars to the date one month after the insertion date of the new filter. If you are the owner of the pot with LED sensor: hold down the button until it flashes blue, then it will count down one month. Yellow light indicates a message: be ready for the filter replacement. After 28 days the LED sensor will turn red, indicating that you should change the Dafi filter to a new one.
How long should the filtration process take?
The filtration process takes as long as the water runs through the filter and can vary from one to several minutes.
What is the expiry date for the replacement filters?
The expiry date of each filter is indicated on the packaging. After unpacking, it can be used for one month, regardless of the amount of filtered water.
Can I drink filtered water directly without boiling it?
Yes, adults can quench their thirst with tap water filtered in a Dafi pot. This water is safe, clean and tasty. Water that flows from the tap meets the strict standards of the European Union and the Minister of Health. Therefore, it is sometimes in no way inferior to some bottled waters. Some people do not know about this.
If you suffer from certain diseases or allergies or you are on a diet, consult your doctor before using water filters.
Can I give filtered water to children and babies?
According to the opinion of the Institute of Mother and Child, children under 3 years of age should consume boiled water. Filtered water is suitable for children over 3 years of age. Drinking filtered water by the youngest children should take place after consulting a pediatrician. Such water can be safely given to children, as long as there are no medical contraindications.
How often should the filter be changed?
Each filter intended for the pot should be replaced one month from unpacking and putting it in the pot. This will be indicated by the so-called filter replacement indicator located in the pot cover, which should be set anew every month when replacing the filter with a new one.
The manual indicator shows the day and month of the next filter change, whereas the LED sensor turns red after one month. The LED sensor also has a function of signalling the need to prepare for filter replacement a week before the required date, when the LED lights goes yellow.
What is the filtering pot made of?
Dafi filter pots are made of certified plastics, approved for contact with water by appropriate institutions, and are BPA-free (bisphenol type A). All Dafi pot filter systems are certified by the Polish National Institute of Hygiene, which proves their safety during use, as well as a positive opinion of the Polish Institute of Mother and Child is obtained.
Does the filtering pot come with a warranty?
Yes, we provide a 2-year warranty for the filtering pot, which does not cover mechanical damage on the user’s side.
How long does the LED indicator operate? Can the battery be changed in it?
The battery installed inside guarantees 3 years of proper operation. The battery is not removable.
Do Dafi filters also fit other pots, such as Brita?
Yes. Dafi filters are as effective as their German counterpart, but cheaper, because they are 100% produced in Poland based on the highest quality German raw materials. The filters are compatible with many other filter pot brands, e.g. Brita.
In which stores can I buy Dafi filters?
Dafi filters are available in leading retail chains, incl. Rossman, Media Markt, RTV Euro AGD, Stokrotka, E.leclerc, Kaufland, Carrefour.
What is the difference between Classic and Unimax filters?
These filters vary in performance. The Unimax filter contains more filtering bed, which translates into the filtering capacity from 150 to 200 litre of water, which is approx. 50 litres more than the Classic filter. The Unimax filter is recommended for higher water consumption, e.g. due to a large family. Both filters have the same shelf life, which is one month from unpacking and first use.
Will Classic filters be withdrawn from the production as a result of the introduced Unimax filters?
They will never be withdrawn, because many customers have Classic model pots. Moreover, we have high sales of this filter. If you need a lower filter efficiency or you want a lower price, we guarantee a choice.
What ingredients does the Dafi filter contain?
The filtering bed consists of activated carbon and an ion exchange resin.
Activated charcoal acts like a sponge – it absorbs chlorine and its derivatives, detergents, pesticides and organic pollutants, among others. It is a charcoal similar to the one we buy at the pharmacy in case of food poisoning and the one used in gas masks. It is a natural substance obtained most often from burning coconut shells. Charcoal removes unpleasant odours from water and improves its taste.
The ion exchange resin removes excess salts that cause water hardness, which is the cause of limescale in household appliances. Some resins have the ability to enrich water with minerals, as is the case with Dafi Mg+ filters.
Do pot filters remove bacteria from the water?
There are no pot-type filters removing bacteria from the water, because these devices are intended for tap water, which, due to stringent sanitary requirements, cannot be contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms (based on the REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH of December 7, 2017 on the quality of water intended for human consumption). Chlorine used in municipal pipelines is used to disinfect tap water. Pot filters remove it in the filtration process. The filter contains activated carbon impregnated with silver, which protects the inside of the filter against the rapid multiplication of bacteria, but has no bactericidal properties.
How to dispose of used filters?
Used filters can be thrown into the rubbish bin. The material from which they are made is fully recyclable, and the content of the filter cartridge does not pose a threat to the environment.
Can the filter be returned?
In accordance with the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal Of Laws of 2014, item 827), the on-line buyer may, without giving any reason, withdraw (by way of notice) from the purchase of goods in the Dafi on-line store, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the parcel. The goods cannot bear traces of use or damage to the packaging.
Is the Dafi pot dishwasher safe?
All parts of the pot can be washed in the dishwasher, except for the lid with an LED indicator, which should be carefully washed by hand to avoid flooding of the electronic part.
How to remove the white deposit on the pot lid?
In order to prevent the pot from getting dirty, every time you change the filter wash all the pot parts with water and washing-up liquid. Any limescale on the pot can be removed with water with addition of vinegar or citric acid.
Why a green deposit occurred on the bottom of the pot?
Because algae may develop in a wet and exposed environment. To prevent this, store the pot in a shaded place or in a refrigerator and wash it each time you replace the filter.
Should I keep the filter immersed in water all the time?
The filter should be immersed in water, but if we forget about it from time to time, it will not significantly worsen its filtering properties.
Why water drops are visible after opening?
Water droplets are the result of sterilization of filters with steam at 100°C. This steam condenses, thanks to which the inside of the filter remains moist – it is beneficial for optimal parameters of the filter mixture.
What to do when the filter mixture spills out of the filter?
Our production lines are fully automated, the filter mesh with the filter cap could be insufficiently welded or it is folded, which results in the leakage of the bed. Despite the improvement of control processes, it’s elimination is sometimes impossible. In every case of such claim, we immediately replace the filter with a new one.
After the first use, there were small black particles in the pot. Are they dangerous?
It is a natural phenomenon. These particles are activated carbon particles that are part of the filter mixture. These particles do not have any negative health effects. Granular coal is made from coconut shells. Like any other natural product, coconut shells are variable in structure by their nature. Finally, loose, small particles of activated carbon can leak to the bottom of the pot together with the filtered water. The carbon particles in the filter remove chemical contaminants. The carbon used in filters is similar to the carbon which is consumed during the food poisoning.
Due to the increased content of activated carbon in the pH+ filter, the first filtered alkaline water may have a significantly dark shade.
How long can we store filtered water?
The time from filtering the water to its use is important for the quality of filtered water and should not exceed 12 hours. After this time, the water should be discarded (e.g. you should water the flowers with it) and the filtering pot should be refilled. At long pauses in use, the pot with the filter should be stored in a cool, sunless place or in a refrigerator.
Do filters remove manganese and iron?
We do not offer a filter that removes manganese and iron from water.
Do the filters completely remove the minerals contained in tap water?
During the filtration process, only the excess of these salts is removed, which are responsible for the formation of limescale in the cooking process. In addition, the filter stops mechanical impurities: sand, rust and fine suspensions. Filtered water is not completely demineralised (as is distilled water that is not intended for drinking). The sodium and potassium contained in the tap water still remain in the water. To additionally mineralize the water, use Dafi Mg+ and pH+ filters.
Should I filter soft water?
Yes, if you are bothered by its smell and taste (e.g. chlorine).
What is the difference between the filters, how to choose the best one from the selection of Dafi Standard, MG+, pH+ and AGD+?
See the comparison table in the Dafi filters tab
How does the Dafi Mg+ filter work?
The water filtered through the Mg+ filter contains magnesium ions mainly in the form of bicarbonate. The daily requirement for magnesium for an adult is approx. 300 mg/l. In one litre of water filtered through the Dafi Mg+ filter there is an average of approx. 30 mg/l of magnesium. This is an average value, which means that it changes during the monthly use of the filter and ranges from 45 mg/l to 15 mg/l (approx. 120 litres each).
Can I boil the water filtered through the MG+filter?
Yes, water filtered through the Mg+ filter can be boiled. However, this filter is dedicated primarily to people who want to enrich water with magnesium and enjoy its advantages immediately after filtering, without the need to boil it.
How does the pH+ filter work?
Thanks to the pH+ filter you obtain alkaline water with a negative ORP potential, additionally enriched with magnesium. At time of filtration, chlorine and other substances that may deteriorate its taste and smell are removed from the water. Daily drinking of alkaline water allows you to supply the body with alkaline minerals, strengthen vitality, supplement a varied diet and maintain the acid-base balance. This water should not be boiled, as it loses its negative oxidation-reduction effect at time of boiling. Moreover, boiled alkaline water can take on a milky colour. Alkaline waters are appreciated both in the Far East, USA and Europe, and they are especially appreciated in Japan and South Korea, where they have been consumed for a long time. All Dafi products are made in Poland from the best quality components.
Due to the increased content of activated carbon in the pH+ filter, the first filtered alkaline water may have a significantly dark shade.
What to do when water does not flow through the filter?
If water dos not flow through the filter, remove the filter from the pot, shake it, and reinstall it. Sometimes it happens that the filtration mixture becomes aerated, which can be eliminated by shaking the filter. If this does not work, contact us via the form available on the website.
What is the purpose of thermal bottle?
The Dafi thermal bottle was designed for convenient and aesthetic storage of your favourite drinks. It retains high and low temperatures, so you can use it regardless of the weather.
What should I do before using the thermal bottle for the first time?
Before using the bottle for the first time, wash it by hand using a mild detergent and a bottle brush. The bottle should be wiped dry with a soft cloth.
What drinks can I keep in the thermal bottle?
In the thermal bottle, you can store both water and other drinks, such as tea, coffee or juices. However, remember to leave approx. 2 cm of free space from the top edge when filling the bottle with hot drinks. Do not keep carbonated drinks in the bottle.
What is the thermal bottle made of?
This modern thermal bottle is made of high-quality materials, such as acid-resistant steel, thanks to which the bottle maintains the temperature of both cold and warm drinks, but does not transmit odours. The thermal bottle is free of harmful bisphenol A.
Does the smell remain in the bottle after the drinks?
Thanks to the use of safe, high-quality acid-resistant steel, the bottle does not transmit odours of beverages, thanks to which it can be used for a long time.
Is the thermal bottle equipped with a filter?
The Dafi thermal bottle is not equipped with a filter. It is designed to store not only water, but also other drinks, such as tea, coffee or juice. Dafi’s offer also includes filtering bottles.
How to care for the hygiene of the thermal bottle?
Wash the bottle by hand with a mild detergent and a bottle brush, and then dry with a soft cloth. The bottle should not be washed in a dishwasher.
How long does the thermal bottle keep the temperature of the drink?
The bottle keeps the temperature of both hot and cold drinks for up to 12 hours. Detailed research results are available here.
What is the purpose of filtering bottles?
Filtering bottles are used to purify tap water. The carbon filter included in them reduces chlorine and other substances that negatively affect the taste and smell of consumed water. Dafi filtering bottles are reusable, so you reduce the amount of plastic waste. One replaceable filter can substitute 300 disposable half-litre water bottles from the store.
How do they work?
Filtering bottles contain carbon filter. It removes the unpleasant taste and smell of chlorine, which is used as a water disinfectant. The activated carbon included in the reusable filter is obtained from coconut shells. It provides high filtration efficiency. Due to the fact that the bottles are small and ergonomic, you can always have them at your hand and use them in any place with access to tap water.
What must be done before using the Soft filter bottle for the first time?
When using the Soft filter bottle /the filter itself for the first time, you must follow these instructions:
Wash all parts of the bottle (except the filter) with warm water and washing-up liquid. Then rinse thoroughly.
Rinse the filter under running cold water (approximately 30 seconds).
Fill 2/3 of the bottle with cold tap water, place the filter inside and close the mouthpiece.
Shake the bottle vigorously several times. The water may become greyish – this is a natural phenomenon. Pour out the water and rinse the bottle.
Fill the bottle with cold tap water, install the filter and mouthpiece. Empty the entire bottle through the mouthpiece by pressing it strongly. Rinse the bottle and repeat the process.
Fill the bottle with cold tap water. The water is ready for consumption.
Warning! The Soft filtering bottle should not be scalded or washed in a dishwasher (high temperature may deform or completely destroy the product). The bottle can be washed with water at a temperature of up to 50 Celsius degrees. The carbon filter itself can be scalded in a separate vessel. Recommended sterilization time with boiling water: 60 seconds.
What must be done before using the Solid filter bottle for the first time?
Before the first use and each time the filter is changed:
Wash all the bottle components (except the filter) with water at a temperature of up to 50°C and washing-up liquid.
Rinse the filter under running cold water (about 60 seconds), with the stream directed at the filter housing openings.
Fill the bottle with tap water, put the filter in a special tube, and then install the tube in the bottle.
Cap your bottle and enjoy the tasty water wherever you are!
The bottle container can be washed in a dishwasher, while the remaining elements (screw cap, tube) should be washed with water at a temperature of up to 50oC. The carbon filter itself can be scalded in a separate vessel. Recommended sterilization time with boiling water: 60 seconds.
Remember! Carbon particles may appear in the water or it may have a greyish tint at time of use. This is a completely natural phenomenon that does not pose any health risk.
How often should the filter be changed?
The filter should be replaced each month.
What is the efficiency of one filter?
You may treat up to 150 litres of water with one filter (the equivalent of one hundred 1.5 litre water bottles from the store).
Is it possible to filter water from a source other than the water supply?
No. The filter bottle was designed for tap water and its purpose is to remove typical contaminants that may appear in it. It works great when reducing chlorine that has a negative impact on the taste and smell of water.
Is it possible to filter water with the addition of e.g. lemon juice?
The filter bottle is intended for the removal of contaminants that may appear in tap water. It is not recommended to use it to filter tap water with flavourings.
From what materials is the Soft filter bottle made?
Soft filter bottles are made of high-quality plastic free from harmful bisphenol A. Thanks to this, they are completely safe for health.
From what materials is the Solid filter bottle made?
Dafi Solid filter bottles are made of high-quality plastics approved for contact with food. The bottle reservoir is made of durable Tritan®, free from harmful bisphenol A and S, which makes it completely safe for your health.
Do Dafi bottle filters fit both the Soft filter bottle and the Solid filter bottle?
Yes, the same removable filter fits the filter bottles of both types.
What is Tritan®?
Tritan® is an extremely durable plastic, free from harmful bisphenols A and S, and therefore safe for health. Tritan® is similar to glass, is light, and does not absorb odours. Moreover, it is dishwasher safe.
Are the filter bottles reusable?
Yes, filter bottles are reusable. The Soft filter bottle is made of PET. You should remember, the symbol “one in the triangle” only refers to the type of plastic, how it is recycled and its applicability to products that come into contact with food. It should be noted that the “2” or “3” marking on the plastic also does not indicate the possibility of using it two or three times. The labelling assigned is in compliance with the legal requirements included in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of September 3, 2014 on packaging labelling patterns, and the number “1” is an sequence number and does not indicate a single use product, which is confirmed by tests carried out by the independent accredited institution. The results can be found here:
Tests for the migration of possible harmful substances are carried out in an acidic solution, which is a substance much more aggressive than water. At time of testing, the indicated modular fluid is kept in the bottle for 10 days and heated. We have all the necessary certificates from the raw material supplier, confirming the safety of our product.
The reservoir of the Solid filter bottle is made of Tritan®, which is also extremely durable, strong and reusable material.
In the case of Dafi bottles (as opposed to store water), the customer can fully control the way and time of storing the water in such bottle. In the case of shop waters, the storage time and e.g. the temperature (high overheating during transport), in which the water stays before it’s consumption, is unknown.
What does the replaceable filter consist of?
The filter consists of activated carbon compressed under high pressure, obtained from the combustion of coconut shells. This makes it completely safe for human health. The same type of coal is used as a medicine for digestive problems.
Can Dafi bottles be used by children?
Filter bottles can be used under parental supervision by healthy children over 3 years of age. Avoid the use of separate or small filter bottle elements by children, which could enter the oesophagus and pose a choking hazard.
What is the expiry date of an unpacked filter?
The expiry date of the unpacked filter is 5 years. It should be stored properly, i.e. at room temperature, in a dry and shaded place.
Does filtration change the taste of the consumed water?
As a result of contact of the carbon filter with water, the taste of the water may change, apart from reducing possible impurities (it depends on the quality of the output tap water). Moreover, filtration increases the pH of filtered water in relation to tap water, which is a favourable phenomenon.
Coal sediment appeared in the water. Is this a defect of the filter?
No. The filter consists of compressed activated carbon. It may happen that its particles appear in the water. They are not dangerous to your health, because the carbon filter is a substance of natural origin. The same type of coal is used as a medicine for digestive problems.
Some carbon has chipped off the filter, can I still use it?
Yes. The filter consists of compressed carbon, but its form does not affect the efficiency of filtration.
How long after filling the bottle the water should be drank?
The water should be used within 12 hours from filling the bottle, to ensure its freshness and cleanliness.
How long after filling the bottle the water should be drank?
The water should be used within 12 hours from filling the bottle, to ensure its freshness and cleanliness.
How can the filter be disposed of?
The filter itself contains carbon of fully natural origin, so you may throw it to the dust bin without any problems. Its housing is made of plastics and should be placed in a container intended for its storage.
Can hot tap water be filtered?
Only cold tap water should be filtered.
Under what conditions should the filter be stored when not in use?
For hygiene reasons, the filter should be stored in a dry and cool place (e.g. in a refrigerator), and the bottle should be washed with water and washing-up liquid.
Is the thermal bottle produced in Poland?
The thermal bottle has been custom-made at an external supplier. This product is certified and inspected in accordance with Polish and European quality and safety standards. Its durability and reliability are guaranteed by laboratory tests.
Are Dafi brand products manufactured in Poland?
Tap water filtration devices are manufactured in Poland, in two factories located in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. The few raw materials used in the production process must be imported from outside of the country. This is due to their unavailability on the Polish market or failure to meet the high usage standards that are assumed by the Dafi brand. The thermal bottle has been custom-made at an external supplier. It is certified and meets the requirements of Polish and European quality and safety standards. Its durability and reliability are guaranteed by the results of laboratory tests.

PerfectLine Unimax

AGD+ Unimax
How to keep filter bottles clean?
Filter bottles should be washed regularly in warm water with a dish-washing liquid.
The Soft filtering bottle should not be washed in a dishwasher and should not be scalded with water at a temperature above 50°C (high temperature may deform or completely destroy the product).
The reservoir of the Solid filter bottle is dishwasher safe.
The bottle carbon filter (the same carbon filter in both types of bottle) can be scalded in a separate vessel. Recommended sterilization time with boiling water: 60 seconds.

Protection of household appliances
You will soften the water and get rid of limescale in the kettle, coffee machine and iron, therefore the service life of your devices will be extended.

You will get a litre of tasty water for PLN 0.10 and save up to PLN 1,000 a year.

You will always have tasty filtered water at your hand, thanks to the pot at home and the bottle outside.

You will reduce disposable bottle waste and filter up to 200 litres of water per month.

You will remove unwanted substances from the water: chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and organic pollutants.